IQOS ILUMA & TEREA,  the best online IQOS shops in Dubai,  UAE. Heetss AE

The core components of IQOS include:

  1. Holder: This is the device that heats the tobacco sticks.
  2. HEETS or HeatSticks: These are the specially designed tobacco sticks used with IQOS. They come in various flavors.
  3. Charger: IQOS devices come with a charger or charging case that allows users to recharge the holder.

IQOS has gained popularity as a potentially less harmful alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes.

The IQOS device is an electronic device designed to heat the tobacco-filled HEETS. It works by inserting the HEETS into the device’s holder, which contains a heating element. When the device is activated, the heating element warms the tobacco plug in the HEETS, generating an aerosol that the user inhales.


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IQOS ILUMA & TEREA,  the best online Iqos shops in Dubai,  UAE. Heetss AE